Haruki Murakami, Between Two Worlds

Haruki Murakami’s interweaving of quotidian detail, philosophical thought, comic irony, and mind-bending story lines has made him Japan’s revered author of the literary psychological quest. His characters — introspective, witty, intellectually engaged — live thoroughly unremarkable lives in late 20th century Japan until they insidiously find themselves operating in a challenging territory between the real and supernatural worlds. Kafka on the Shore (2002) follows a teenager on an existential search for he knows not what and a kind, elderly man who enjoys good conversation with cats who talk. When there’s a tricky plot point to deal with, fish might fall from the sky. And no one might notice. Or care. What are Murakami’s goals and themes? To what extent does he succeed in creating and executing his unique take on the postmodern novel? We will engage with our reading and each other for five weeks of discussion on the joys and sorrows of living in the twilight zone. Be prepared to read at least 90 pages per week.

  • Group Leader(s): ANDREA GARGIULO
  • Days: Tuesdays
  • Times: 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
  • Start Date: 10/8/2019
  • End Date: 11/5/2019
  • Sessions: 5
  • Exceptions: none
  • Venue: Prescott House
  • Teaching Style: Seminar
  • Weekly Preparation: 2 - 3 hours
  • Biography:

    Andrea Gargiulo has led many courses on a wide variety of topics at Beacon Hill Seminars in its early years, and later at the Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement. She is delighted to be back at Beacon Hill Seminars and looks forward to sharing with the members her enthusiasm for Murakami’s novel.

  • Address: 55 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108